What is business analysis needed for?
Business analysis is a kind of navigator in business environment helping gather data from all information sources of the company and immediately analyze them with help of unique tool.
Most companies constantly collect, create and accumulate big amounts of information that just needs to be quickly received at necessary time for a simple request. Without special tool it is hardly possible to do – required data are collected from different departments, their storing is scattered, so it is quite difficult to analyze and view them at once. Business analysis system allows receiving immediate access to the stored data providing necessary statistics and analytics information.
Business analysis is first of all a tool for marketing managers, financiers and analysts as well as a tool for forming reports for management. However chiefs of information services won’t be able to use the full potential of business analysis until these tools are not habitual for every employee of the organization.
Universal opinion that business analysis is needed only for huge companies is absolutely wrong. Small company where all decisions are made by the owner and there is no IT-service at all may feel significant damages without strict analysis of the situation. In huge companies immediate access to financial analysis of the company’s status will help chiefs of IT-services explore business-processes and analyze abilities of their further improvement with help of stored data.
Companies that use analysis to find out fails in business-processes have better chances to improve their competitiveness unlike organizations where the systems of business analysis are used only for control.