Stages of web site development
For those who a thinking of corporate web site it is necessary to imagine the process of its development in advance. Site development is quite a formalized and controllable process with predictable result including several serial stages, each of that is independent in some way. This independence gives customer an opportunity to choose the scheme of work and executor of each stage.
1st stage: formulation of the problem
Before doing something it is necessary to clearly imagine the expected result so on the first stage it is needed to determine which kind of site you want, particularly what problems you want to solve with help of the site.
Sites ate created for different purposes and to achieve these purposes there are various ways. On the first stage the structure of future site is created and business-logic is developed.
2nd stage: development and approval of site’s design
After approval of specification there goes the second stage – creation of site’s design. This stage usually takes 2-3 weeks and includes creation of the template that may be used as a base to create separate pages of the site. Such template is provided in two formats – as PSD file and as HTML-document with images. To simplify the process of designing as well as to reduce costs it is possible to use ready templates of design. In such case this stage takes about 2-3 days.
3rd stage: integration of design and site management system
Good management system solves the issues of audience analysis on the site, issues of target impact on certain parts of the audience as well as provides other functional opportunities. This stage usually takes about 5 days. In complicated situations when besides design integration it is needed to work on some site automation it may take more time which is approved in advance.
4th stage: publishing of the site in the internet
To publish the site t is needed to solve two problems. The first one is to select the address, or which is more correct – the name (domain). In most cases the evident and right way to do that is to use domain which is similar with company’s name or trademark. The second problem is to select a physical placement of the site – the hosting.