How to provide information security in business?
The term “information security” has recently become used though it is not possible to imagine the work of a modern enterprise without using personal computers and networks. And this is understandable because the number of information stored in digital way and of information which is daily processed by employees is much bigger than on paper carriers. To settle the process of such scope and complicity it is necessary to build quite a long chain of interacting computers, equipped with complicated software. And as a result any breach in the chain may lead to certain losses for organization.
That’s why providing of information security may be understood as full protection of information environment at the enterprise from any outer or inner threats of emergence, using and developing of information. Correctly organized information security system guarantees security and effective functioning of the enterprise.
Each huge enterprise has special service that provides information security as well as detects, localizes or eliminates information security threats.
For effective providing of information security at small enterprise it is important first of all to clearly imagine all possible threats. They may be divided into outer and inner due to relation to the enterprise. For example if an employee brings a virus it is an inner threat while hacker attack may be treated as an outer one. Besides threats may be divided into intended and unintended.
They also may differ by purposes. This may be either wish to get certain data or destroy it, purposeful disruption of software or settlement of total control on it. In general, threats may be absolutely different and it is hardly possible to protect business for 100%. But it is quite possible to provide maximum security from mistakes of users and different outer attacks.